More Than A Few Words

#1003 Don't Write Every Day



So you want to become the expert in your field. and you are writing blogs, crafting seminar slides, recording podcasts.  You’re doing it all. But let’s be real, constantly coming up with fresh angles on the same topic can be draining. And in the fast-paced world of online content, what’s hot today might be forgotten tomorrow. Or, your best piece of content was released at the wrong time, so very few people saw it. The trick for every professional, trying to build a reputation as a subject matter expert is how do you make the most of your best work without boring your audience to tears?  I will let you in on a secret, it isn’t about creating more and more content.  It is  about repurposing your content smartly. Instead of reinventing the wheel, give your existing stuff a new lease on life.  Then, instead of killing yourself to create a mountain of new content, use some of my favorite repurposing tips  to fill your feed. Then you will have more time to create fewer, better pieces of content. Check out these tri