

The Conscious Capitalism Opportunity  . What are conscious leadership and conscious capitalism? Are they some kind of new-age woo-woo terms that today's gurus use? Or are they practical ways of operating in the world of business?  . If you are doubting the practicality of these things, rest assured you're not alone. However, what if the person talking directly to you about these things was a co-founder of two technology companies based in Silicon Valley, someone who was a member of the Young President's Organization because he grew each company to $75 million in revenue, the first in ten years and the second in just two years? . Would you be willing to consider the possibility that Conscious Leadership and Conscious Capitalism are the new ways of doing business?  . Part 1 and Part 2 outline a vision for applying conscious leadership and capitalism, touching upon various aspects from philosophical underpinnings, like the quantum physics of Conversations With God, to practical business considerations and person