

Daryl Davis: Dinner with the Enemy According to the FBI, US hate crimes are at the highest in over a decade. Right-Wing & Left-Wing Radicals are on the rise around the world. What’s the solution? Government Legislation? Do we already have that? Stronger punishments? Maybe, but does it change anything, or does prison increase the hate? Perhaps we should all sit around, hold hands and sing, ‘Kumbaya’?    Let me put a radical idea forward. What if we decided to become genuinely curious about "them?" Imagine sitting down with someone who hates you/your kind and becoming curious about what we might have in common with those we’ve believed we have nothing in common with?  Well, that’s where we’re going on these upcoming episodes. Our guest is the extraordinary Daryl Davies.  Daryl is an award-winning musician, speaker, actor, author, and race reconciliator. Daryl Davis has presented no less than 4 TED Talks. He became the first Black author to interview KKK leaders and members, detailed in his highly acclaimed