

The Secrets Behind the Law of Attraction You Need to Know The Strategies that Actually Work  Do you think having an open mind will solve your problems? Leaders, do you think a positive outlook will help you become an upper level executive? The Secret Law of Attraction may open your eyes to a new way to manifest your dreams, but almost everyone who has seen it forgets the two most important parts: Choose Wisely and Take Action.  Choose Wisely: You have to make sure what you want is truly what YOU want, not what anyone else wants for you. Working towards someone else’s dream will only leave you unhappy and greedy for something else.  Taking Action: You need to actually work towards manifesting your dreams. No one can expect their dreams to come true just by dreaming them - You have to physically work towards them.  “The First Part of Attraction is Action!”  In this episode of the Mind Mastery Podcast, Dov Baron is joined by guests: Scott Paton and Shane Jeremy James as they discuss the secret to of the