

Discover How to Guarantee your Ideal Life.  The Answer is in Your Mind! Everyone has goals they are working towards and problems they are overcoming, whether it’s getting promoted into leadership, creating a lifelong relationship, or simply seeking happiness. Only those can who have learned to master their mind can achieve their dreams. “Your life is run by your mind and a little known secret is this: you can run your mind. So when you run your mind - you run your life.”- Dov Today, we discuss the type of questions you should be asking yourself, why you are asking them and why people are focusing on the wrong ones. Leaders, especially tend to dwell on their faults and the weaknesses in their businesses.  In addition, we explore why everyone should ask themselves “what could I be grateful for today?” In this introductory episode of the Mind Mastery Podcast, Dov Baron is joined by guests: Scott Paton and Shane Jeremy James as they discuss the secret to manifesting your mind.  James is the founder of Sha