Born To Win Podcast - With Ronald L. Dart

The Ten Commandments #1



The world can be a very confusing place, can’t it? It isn’t always easy to know the right thing to do, the right road to take, or the right decision to make. And most of us, most of the time, want to do the right thing. At least we want to think we want to do the right thing. But it seems that, in the modern world, the right thing to do keeps shifting ground on us. There is no constant standard—no absolute truth—some people tell us.The problem is that life and death really are absolutes. When the chest pains come upon you, when they have yelled, Clear!, and tried to shock you back into life, and have failed, when they have pulled that sheet up over your face, you are absolutely dead. Sickness, poverty, slavery, disease, hunger; these are real absolutes in the world. So how come we hear people telling us there are no absolutes, when we know better?Why should anyone be so stupid as to believe there aren’t rules of life somewhere that make the difference between life and death, sick