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Ochy: The future of sports training and injury prevention @ CES 2024



Preventing injuries and improving performance in sports is a crucial aspect of any athlete's career. With advancements in technology, athletes now have access to tools that can help them achieve their goals. One such tool is Ochy, a product developed by former 400-meter athlete Khaldon Evans.Ochy, a cutting-edge platform for skeletal analysis, uses advanced technology to analyze skeletal movements in real-time. This unique solution offers athletes and coaches the opportunity to enhance performance and prevent injuries by providing personalized feedback based on the analysis of skeletal movements.Prevent injuries and improve performance with OchyOchy uses AI technology to analyze a video of the athlete performing their sport, in this case, running. The technology identifies the athlete's strong and weak points and provides personalized feedback on how to improve. Unlike traditional gait analysis tools, Ochy goes beyond just providing metrics and offers actionable insights on how to enhance performance.Ochy's c