Fx Medicine Podcast Central

REPLAY: The Thyroid: Testing & Treatment with Emma Sutherland and Dr Miranda Myles



In this week’s podcast replay, Dr Miranda Myles and our ambassador Emma Sutherland delve into the world of thyroid, liver and metabolic health as they discuss how to support clients experiencing metabolic imbalance. Dr. Miranda shares her clinical experience in identifying thyroid imbalances and how to determine what pathology tests are required and when, and importantly, how to interpret them in support of a client’s presentation. Emma and Dr. Miranda also cover differential diagnoses associated with metabolic health including the impact of stress, cortisol, iron deficiency and adrenalin. This podcast is content-heavy and definitely one you will want to take notes on to make sure that you can apply as much to practice as possible. Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/podcast/replay-thyroid-testing-treatment-emma-sutherland-and-dr-miranda-myles Sign up for our monthly newsletter for the latest exclusive clinical tools, articles, and infographics: https://pages.blackm