Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

230: The Good News



THIS WEEK'S INTERVIEW Nutrition and supplements are something we don't hear about a lot in gymnastics, unless we are looking at Jonathan Horton's Instagram or Jake Dalton's Snapchat. We wanted to know what the latest science was and what progress was being made at USA Gymnastics in terms of eduction and outreach for the national team. This week we learn about the new partnership between Thorne Research and the United States Olympic Committee. Dr. Allan Miller N.D., Executive Director of Medical Education at Thorne Research discusses all things gymnastics and nutritional science: The latest science: what coaches, athletes, parents and national team coordinators should know. How gymnasts can take advantage of this new partnership.  The WADA hack and anti-doping quality controls for supplements.  WellnessFX - it's exactly what McKayla Maroney said the national team program needed! Diagnostic testing, nutritional science, and medicine help gymnasts peak when it counts.  Gym MythBusters: Muscle soreness can be s