Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

75: Classic Episode with UCLA's Miss Val



UCLA's six-time NCAA Championship winning coach, Valorie Kondos-Field.Copyright Christy Linder 2014   It's a Classic Episode with UCLA's ballet-dancer turned six-time NCAA Championships winning coach, Valorie Kondos-Field. Miss Val chats with Dvora Meyers, Blythe Lawrence, Jessica, and Uncle Tim about: The power of an athlete identity as retirement looms Collegiate gymnastics as one big life skills class The problems with basing self-esteem on performance Incentivizing artistry Her most embarrassing moment as a dancer Why so many of her athletes have the desire to go back to elite after college The actual dollar amount and experiential cost of losing NCAA eligibility What advice she gave Jordyn Wieber about going pro We discover how Miss Val and her former roommate inspired one of the creators of the television show Will and Grace Why Canadians thrive in NCAA Lastly, she tells the story of the amazing wedding gift she gave to a fan The Bruin Gymnastics YouTube channel. 15 years of UCLA routines, including