Rich Zeoli

The Drive at 5: Is Academia Using Excel “Autofill” to Create Data?



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 3: 5:05pm- Dr. Wilfred Reilly—Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University and author of “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me”—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss how academics are using imaginary data in research, including instances where Microsoft Excel’s “autofill” feature was used to produce statistics. Dr. Reilly’s new book releases on June 11th but you can pre-order it now: 5:40pm- In a post to Truth Social, Donald Trump torched Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—saying he’s even more dangerous to America than Joe Biden. 5:50pm- The commencement presenter at Thomas Jefferson University has gone viral on social media for pronouncing student names phonetically.