Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Improving Scrum Daily Stand-Ups That Have Lost Focus And Become Long And Cluttered | Peter Müller



Peter Müller: Improving Scrum Daily Stand-Ups That Have Lost Focus And Become Long And Cluttered Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: When Peter took over a larger team, the daily stand-ups became cluttered with discussions that made the stand-ups long and unfocused. Stakeholders joined in, turning these meetings into mini-conferences that were even less focused. Peter initially thought he had a solution, but the team quickly reverted to old habits.  Does the Scrum Master need to step in to fix this anti-pattern? Or would it complicate things further? This episode dives into the nuances of managing a large team's dynamics and the importance of discerning which battles to fight. Peter shares crucial coaching tips, reflecting on why asking "why" might not always unearth the underlying issues. Discover how a solution-focused approach can redirect team efforts towards