Roy Green Show

May 11: U.S. medical ethicist Dr. Arthur Caplan supports MAID.



Canada's system of MAID (Medical assistance in dying) is under increased international and national scrutiny and criticism. In 2021, more than 10,000 people chose to die with physician administered drugs. The question of whether mental illness is a sole qualifier for MAID was addressed in parliament, reminding that in 2015 the Supreme Court ruled adults with "a grievous and irremedial medical condition" were eligible for assisted death. Now there is growing fear people under economic strain are accessing MAID.  In 2021, more than 10,000 people accessed MAID in Canada, while at the same time the numbers of doctors engaging in providing medical assistance in dying is dropping. Meanwhile a leading United States medical ethicist is calling for MAID to immediately be adopted in the State of New York.  Guest: Dr. Arthur Caplan. Mitty Professor of Bioethics. NYU Grossman School of Medicine.  Author: Smart Mice, Not so smart People. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit