Miss Kat Mae

Parenting #unfiltered Feeling like you FAILED at PARENTING.



Feeling like you failed in parenting! Growth mindset challenges that include:  Social Media Realness- "Comparing can be dangerous!" When it doubt (instead of judging)...ASK UPFRONT, but in a PRIVATE DM. Parenting and Co-Parenting What helps when Co-Parenting with an EX Protecting your PEACE when it comes to relationships It all comes back to The Growth Mindset. Other Notes: • Parenting to a strong-willed kiddo! • Parenting under 6 years old. • Co-Parenting with an Ex. • Auditing your circle of friends and relationships around you. Why this is so important when it comes to energy when parenting! • Are you seeking advice from the right people? • Are you still doing the “inner” work? • Barbie Movie Monologue, but for Parents. • Growth Mindset and Personal Development, it all comes back to how you work on yourself!