School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#261 How to Have the Hard Talks With Your Spouse About Money (+ Teach Your Kids Healthy Mindsets About It)



"One thing I did have a question about is teaching kids finances and even talking to my spouse about it. We have no communication when it comes to finances. My husband is an entrepreneur businessman and very smart and I don't know a lot about that so I just let him deal with it. It's not the best situation but it has been this way for our entire marriage. We both want to be better at working together but what we are doing isn't working. He tells me he wants me to know what's going on but we haven't found a way where we can be open and talk without getting frustrated. He gets frustrated with me probably because I don't do things the way he does and I get frustrated with him because of the way he is doing it. LOL. If there is a book you could recommend or if you have a podcast sharing how you and Greg handle finances that would be awesome. Also, how do you teach your kids about money? My kids came to me the other day and they could feel the stress about money the past few weeks