

Today's BONUS WEDDING Q&A show is designed to show you exactly how to have all the wedding things that are most important to you, regardless of how much money you actually have in the bank.  Sounds pretty amazing, right??? Let's face it, you’re overwhelmed & struggling with your wedding budget if any one, two, or maybe even three of these sound familiar: If you get a pit in your stomach even thinking about your wedding budget (let alone talking about it).    If you’re constantly worried about how much everything is going to cost, and looking for ways to save as much money as possible - or, even worse, you’re sweeping the whole money convo under the rug, trying not to even think about it. You’re wondering how on earth your wedding can live up to the pictures we’re bombarded with on social media and big wedding websites. And if you’re drinking wine with your dog or your cat and in total despair because everything is way more expensive than you ever imagined it would be ... ... then you my friend are a