Radio Free Sarawak

21 May 2024



On Today Show — Nicholas Mujah, Environmental Activist and Secretary General of SADIA – Sarawak’s Environmental Autonomy Must Meet Global Standards — Agnes Padan, a citizenship activist from Lawas – The Unfairness of Excluding Third-Generation Sarawak Natives from Aid — Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Accessibility vs. Permanence: Debating Sarawak’s Mobile Legal Aid Program Pada Rancangan Hari Ini — Nicholas Mujah, Aktivis Alam Sekitar dan Setiausaha Agung SADIA – Autonomi Alam Sekitar Sarawak Mesti Mematuhi Standard Global — Agnes Padan, aktivis kewarganegaraan dari Lawas – Ketidakadilan Mengecualikan Generasi Ketiga Anak Jati Sarawak daripada Bantuan — Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Aksesibiliti vs. Permanen: Perdebatan Program Bantuan Guaman Bergerak Sarawak ----------------------------- Nicholas Mujah, Environmental Activist and Secretary General of SADIA *Sarawak’s Environmental Autonomy Must Meet Global Standards* The return of full autonomous power regarding the environment to Sarawak is welcomed.