Pacey Performance Podcast

How to use force plates effectively: An expert roundtable with Phil Graham-Smith, Matt Jordan and Paul Read



On this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to 3 experts when it comes to the research and application of force plates, Phil Graham-Smith, Matt Jordan and Paul Read. The converation starts off with Phil diving into how we choose a force plate and what are our options to ensure we are choosing the right technology for our needs. Phil highlights the importance of having a clear objective when selecting force plates, as knowing what and why we are testing is crucial for effective usage. The experts discuss the benefits of using dual force plates for tracking asymmetries in athletes, which is particularly useful in rehabilitation scenarios. This approach not only helps in pinpointing discrepancies but also in enhancing overall performance by ensuring both sides are equally developed. Listeners will also discover the importance of instantaneous feedback and robust data analysis provided by force plate software. Such features are integral for integrating with other measurement devices a