Roy Green Show

May 18: Fort McMurray wildfire threat, AB minister/Fort Mac resident Brian Jean and Patty an additional resident. Lost homes in '16.



Early in the week a wildfire approaching Fort McMurray, AB, with evacuations beginning raised the spectre of 2016 and The Beast. Then came the rains and cooler temps. The wildfire is not out, but no longer the threat of Monday/Tuesday. Guests: Patty Rustige. Fort Mac resident. She and her Fort Mac firefighter husband also lost their home in the 2016 fire. Husband tasked with trying to save home in a different Fort McMurray neighbourhood to where he and Patty lived. Still rebuilding their home. Son also lost his home.   And: Brian Jean. Fort Mac resident and Alberta Minister of Energy and Minerals. Lost his home to The Beast in '16. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit