Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones

Understanding TMJ Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Management Strategies



Did you know that most people with Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders do not know whether they have them or what exactly causes such disorders? TMJ disorders refer to various conditions that result in dysfunction and pain in muscles and jaw joints that regulate jaw movement.  Researchers estimate that more than 10 million Americans are living with TMJ disorders. In most cases, the discomfort related to TMJ disorders is temporary and occasional and occurs in cycles. Although the pain may eventually disappear without or with minimal intervention, some individuals may develop long-lasting symptoms. The disorders result in tenderness and pain in the jaw joints and related ligaments and muscles. The common causes may include jaw injuries, teeth grinding, and arthritis. Types of TMJ Disorders Researchers have categorized TMJ disorders into three: ·         Myofascial pain ·          Internal joint derangement ·         Arthritis-related disorders It is possible to experience one or more of the dis