Adventures In Angular

The Easiest Way to use Angular Elements with Tomas Trajan - AIA 413



In this episode of Adventures in Angular Tomas Trajan, an angular elements expert, breaks down how to use angular elements for the panel. Tomas explains that angular elements are great for very specific use cases.  Tomas starts by describing a scenario with a large enterprise with tens of developer teams and hundreds of developers, they have a few choices on how to organize their applications. The first option is a messy monolith. The second option is using monorepos and Nx. The final option is to use a multi-spa solution. Tomas explains how the multi-spa solution works. This solution consists of 80 stand-alone applications, on the same page and share components. Tomas outlines the common problems when using the solutions and how using angular elements combat those problems. The panel moves on to considers how you know if you should use angular elements in this way. Tomas provides two questions to ask yourself when deciding whether or not to use angular elements. The first question is, are you in a multi-spa