Bigfoot Society

The Boy Scouts and the Bigfoot (Member's Only)



In this compelling episode of the Bigfoot Society Podcast, Jeremiah invites Patreon Member Kurt, a seasoned geologist from West Texas, to recount his extraordinary experiences with the elusive creature known as Bigfoot. Kurt transports listeners back to his youth with a chilling episode south of Fort Worth, where an unseen entity approached his tent during a Boy Scouts camping trip. The mystery thickens with a subsequent news report of a Bigfoot sighting near the same lake, forever cementing Kurt's fascination with these beings. Fast forward to decades later, on a grizzly hunt in the remote wilderness of Alaska, Kurt shares a second-hand account of a colossal Bigfoot sighting by a seasoned guide, adding layers to the enigmatic presence of these creatures in North America's vast expanses. Kurt, now an avid follower of Bigfoot research, discusses the anatomical peculiarities of Bigfoot, drawing parallels with known primates and sharing why he considers himself a 'knower' rather than a believer. Delve into the h