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1118: Stop Avoiding and Start Completing: Proven Strategies for Beating Procrastination with Pat Sanaghan



Are you struggling to stay motivated? Procrastination often sneaks up on us, turning simple tasks into daunting challenges the longer we delay them. It's frustrating to watch time slip away, knowing we could have been productive. The cycle of putting things off can create a lot of stress and anxiety. Reflecting on why we procrastinate can be a crucial step in breaking this habit and reclaiming our time Dr. Patrick Sanaghan is an author and the president of The Sanaghan Group, an organizational consulting firm that focuses on leadership development, executive coaching, strategic planning, and leadership transitions. With 30 years of experience, he has worked with over 250 campuses and numerous organizations in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors. Today, he discusses procrastination and offers a toolbox of strategies to help manage emotions and stay on track. Stay tuned! Resources The Sanaghan Group Website Pat Sanaghan on Facebook Pat Sanaghan on LinkedIn How To Be A Better Procrastinat