The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast

TPM Episode 384: Peter Olenick, Pro Skier



Peter Olenick changed halfpipe skiing when he landed the first double in competition. His “Whiskey Flip” defined Peter’s life on and off snow; he went big, took chances, and partied his face off during his legendary career. He was on top of the contest world during one of the most run eras. On the podcast, we talk about not being cool growing up, Aspen, finding confidence at High North Ski Camp, success, partying, and a lot more. Colby James West asks the ‘Inappropriate Questions.’ Peter Olenick Show Notes: 4:00: Biggest birthday party, JOSS, Playboy Mansion, Aspen, different ski coaches, the joy of divorce, Steele rivalry, and the twin tip revolution 21:00:  Liquid Force: Since 95, Liquid Force has outperformed the competition and turned a sport into a lifestyle. Use the code POWELL15 for 15% off LF orders at Stanley:  Save 30% off at Using the code SNOW30 at checkout Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the