

Want to know the quickest way to go from anxious to calm, productive, and excited? I recently connected with Amanda Bybel at an event we both spoke at and I’m so excited for her to join me in this quickie to share powerful tips to conquer anxiety in the moment it hits. She shares her personal journey with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping and how it helped her overcome addiction and shift her mindset. Amanda gives powerful tools to get the results you want through simple journaling exercises, EFT tapping, and more. Don’t miss out on these transformative techniques. The benefits are immediate and life-changing! HIGHLIGHTS 02:02 How Amanda transformed herself from an “addict” to who she wanted to be. 03:18 How can I reframe my mindset when I’m anxious? 06:02 How does being productive help your subconscious mind? 10:10 How to realign your energy system. 13:33 Amanda’s tool for quick anxiety relief in 5 minutes. 19:27 What are the benefits of EFT tapping? RESOURCES Watch Amanda Bybel on YOUTUBE Get gl