Amazing Fba

SMS vs Email Marketing for Amazon Sellers: Which is Right for You?



In the cutthroat world of e-commerce, maximizing customer engagement is paramount. Yet, with a plethora of marketing channels available, choosing the right one can be daunting. This guide delves into the powerhouses of email and SMS marketing, specifically for Amazon sellers on a budget, helping you decide which weapon best suits your brand's arsenal. [00:00:00] - You Can Set Up Future Sends for Most Impact[00:00:26] - Introducing the 10K Collective Uber Mastermind[00:00:49] - Discussing Email Marketing Segmentation and Flows[00:01:22] - Importance of Email Marketing for Sales[00:02:18] - Dos and Don'ts for Email Design and Content[00:04:20] - Best Times to Send Email Campaigns[00:05:20] - Weekday vs Weekend Email Sending[00:06:39] - Using SMS Marketing in Addition to Email[00:09:00] - Revenue Impact of SMS Marketing Campaigns[00:10:30] - SMS Marketing Cost Considerations[00:11:36] - Shelf Life of SMS Numbers for Marketing[00:13:35] - Re-Engaging Neglected Email Lists[00:15:16] - Setting Up Email and SMS M