Amazing Fba

online marketing gurus



Online marketing gurus - who should you believe? Hey folks, time for some real talk today. I want to talk about internet marketing gurus. What does that mean? And should you believe what you hear on the internet or from a course or from any internet marketing or business coach? Stay tuned. Hey folks, Michael Veazey from Amazing FBA here. Are online marketing gurus the same as business consultants? Guess what? I'm Michael from Amazing FBA. That means I'm here to give you advice or thoughts or information about internet marketing, particularly selling on Amazon. And that is an interesting one because it brings up this concept of a guru. I get accused of being a guru occasionally by people and I feel if it's an accusation rather than something helpful. A guru passes on "Divine wisdom" My understanding of the word guru is it comes from the Hindu tradition and like other religious traditions there's a tradition of received wisdom that a person who becomes holy enough through meditation, prayer and o