The Pornhub Podcast With Asa Akira

Robin Tran Does Not Want to be Your Trans Hero



Robin Tran just emerged from a lifelong depression, and her career EXPLODED during the pandemic. She’s my favorite person I’ve met recently; She’s hilarious, smart as fuck, irreverent yet profound, cocky yet devastatingly introspective, and has so many of the strangest obsessions yet is oddly… one of the most relatable people I have ever come across. I feel like I discovered her comedy and within a week she was just everywhere I turned. Needless to say, I HAD to interview her. She was gracious enough to dive into any and every topic that came up. I laughed SO MUCH throughout this interview, Robin is the kind of girl I walked away from the interview feeling like… I’m desperate to be her friend. We hit so many topics: Are we five years away from a gay pro wrestling storyline? What does a manic episode look like when you’re bipolar - does it feel amazing? Is this the greatest time to be in comedy for a nerd? What is an Asian person through the “white gaze?” Is it possible to be a good comic without overcoming ob