Bigfoot Society

Something in the Woods Did not Want Us There.



Jeremiah invites Lauren Smith from Nite Callers Bigfoot Radio to join him for an unprecedented episode filled with raw emotion and gripping tales. This time, the focus shifts from the usual to a personal narrative as Jeremiah recounts a recent and harrowing weekend trip in Iowa (6/2/24) with his son. Lauren lends her empathetic ear as Jeremiah details an unexpected Bigfoot encounter and the ensuing chaos involving hounds, mysterious noises, and an overwhelming sense of fear. They discuss everything from the oddities of "MindSpeak" to the unnerving experience of feeling watched and the heart-pounding moments of the night in a secluded wilderness. Lauren provides invaluable insights into interpreting these experiences, grounding the conversation in the reality of cryptid research's emotional toll. They delve into psychological impacts, the importance of corroborative witnesses, and the protective instincts of a parent amidst potential primal threats. As they unravel this spine-tingling story, Lauren and Jeremia