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1120: Online Business Strategies for Professional Services and Course Creators with Business Coach and Marketing Strategist Suzanne Reilley



Ever thought about how knowing your audience's feelings could change your marketing? It's like seeing the world from your customers' viewpoint and making messages that really connect with them. This not only builds trust and loyalty but also leads to stronger engagement over time. By showing that you value and understand their feelings, your customers are more likely to become advocates for your brand, further boosting your reputation and reach. Suzanne Reilley is a business coach, marketing strategist, and copy advisor who helps professional service businesses and online course creators. Through voice-of-customer research, she helps businesses understand their ideal customers and use that language to address specific needs and goals in marketing materials. Today, she discusses marketing strategies, the importance of customer empathy, and overcoming challenges in business growth. Stay tuned! Resources Suzanne Reilley's Website Suzanne Reilley's on LinkedIn