Roy Green Show

June 1: Darrel Bricker on what Canadians want to hear from politicians.



Ontario premier Doug Ford has been attacked for his remarks on Thursday in the presence of Justin Trudeau and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow when the premier said he's "had it up to here" with attacks on Ontario's Jewish community and urged anyone coming to Ontario to live not do so if they are bringing hatred and vitriol with them. A gratuitous attack on immigrants by Ford, or an elected politician speaking his mind and perhaps echoing what many have been thinking? What do Canadians want from their elected officials? Doug Ford bluntness or statements such as the one made by prime minister Justin Trudeau who following the arson attack on the Shara Tzedeck synagogue in Vancouver offered only "a synagogue was attacked last night in Vancouver in another disgusting act of antisemitism. We cannot let this hate or these acts of violence stand. This is not the Canada we want to be."   What do Canadians want from their politicians as response to Jew-hatred and acts of terrorism such as shooting at Jewish schools and ars