Meat + Three

The Great Meat and Three Debunk-isode



Food and debate are a natural pairing. Whether it’s politics at the dinner table, check paying privileges, or how rare you’d like your ribeye, a meal can bring out fiery passions and strong opinions. But, have you considered that your opinions could just be wrong?This week, we're diving deep into the world of food myths and setting the record straight. We’ll be tackling sushi sexism, demystifying MSG, defending the Wisconsin Old Fashioned, and breaking down skin contact wine. Further Reading:Visit Chefs Peggi Ince-Whiting and Addison Austin-Lou at Kyoto Japanese Restaurant in Salt Lake City! For more on female sushi chefs, check out this article from Financial Times, and listen to this episode of HRN’s very own Japan Eats!You can find Dr. Debbie Fetter’s blog dedicated to breaking down hot topics and myths in nutrition here!You can find the original 1995 FDA-commissioned report on MSG here, the 2007 Honheim consensus from Europe here (note that MSG falls under “added-as-flavor” glutamate measurements), and th