Inside New Mexico With Steve Pearce

Episode #241 Inside New Mexico with Steve Pearce



This is a jam-packed show this week: Steve celebrates a life that was saved! Hear what happened. Biden is locking up a peaceful pro-life elderly protester while ignoring the violence and destruction at Democrat-supported protests. Steve calls out Biden's weaponizing the law against his political enemies. Everyone needs to hear this! Steve and Derek question what accountability there will be for Anthony Fauci over a recent report proving he was lying to Americans throughout COVID. Will Democrats show any outrage now that it's been revealed that Gov. MLG's Maxeon deal greatly benefits Communist China? Derek brings up the conversation of what kind of outrage there would be if a Republican used a racial slur like Democratic Rep. Gabe Vasquez did and how Democrats are using the Trump verdict to say no one is above the law while exempting every Democrat, including Gov. MLG who is accused of a very similar charge. Trump was convicted! Steve gives his take on the whole case. Hear how our two