Radio Free Sarawak

13 June 2024



On Today Show — Thomas Jalong, Human rights and environmental activist – Thomas Raises Alarm on Poverty and Health in Malaysia's SDG Agenda — Matek, social activist – Sarawak MPs Under Fire: Lack of Progress Despite Election Promises — Zulhaidah Suboh, the PKR Sibuti branch chief – Community Development Prioritized Over Political Gain Topik Pada Hari Ini - Thomas Jalong, aktivis hak asasi manusia dan alam sekitar - Thomas Menaikkan Isyarat Bahaya tentang Kemiskinan dan Kesihatan dalam Agenda SDG Malaysia - Matek, aktivis sosial - Ahli Parlimen Sarawak Ditembak: Kurangnya Kemajuan Walaupun Janji Pilihan Raya - Zulhaidah Suboh, ketua cawangan PKR Sibuti - Pembangunan Komuniti Diprioritikan Berbanding Keuntungan Politik --------------------- Thomas Jalong, Human rights and environmental activist *Thomas Raises Alarm on Poverty and Health in Malaysia's SDG Agenda* Thomas represented SAVE Rivers at the SDG-Sustainable Developmet Goal Forum at Hotel Raia Kuching on 8-9 June 2024. It was attended by almost all