Radio Free Sarawak

12 June 2024



On Today Show — Garak Jalong, the Village Chief of Long Lawen Village, Murum – Two Dams, Two Decades of Struggle: The Story of Long Lawen — Shakila of Borneo Komrad – From Semporna to Inanam: A Wave of Demolitions Hits Sabah — Romuald Siew from Tahabas – Romuald Siew Speaks Out on Political Interference in Longhouse Leadership Topik Pada Hari Ini — Garak Jalong, Ketua Kampung Kampung Long Lawen, Murum - Dua Empangan, Dua Dekad Perjuangan: Kisah Long Lawen — Shakila dari Borneo Komrad - Dari Semporna ke Inanam: Gelombang Pembongkaran Melanda Sabah — Romuald Siew dari Tahabas - Romuald Siew Membangkitkan Isu Campur Tangan Politik dalam Kepimpinan Rumah Panjang ------------------------ Garak Jalong, the Village Chief of Long Lawen Village, Murum *Two Dams, Two Decades of Struggle: The Story of Long Lawen* When the residents of Long Gang moved to the new Sungai Asap settlement in 1998 to make way for the construction of the Bakun Dam, some Long Gang residents refused to move and decided to stay in a high