Fitness Confidential With Vinnie Tortorich

A Fighting Chance with Michelle Hurn, RD - Episode 2501



Episode 2501 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich speaks with registered dietician Michelle Hurn and they discuss having a fighting chance when getting cancer treatment, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - A Fighting Chance Michelle’s wife is currently going through treatment for breast cancer. (2:00) Vinnie updates her on some of his challenges during treatment and how he had to advocate for himself. Michelle gives her and her wife, Corene's story. (9:00) An unexpected diagnosis turned their world upside down. They at least knew what to do nutritionally: the ketogenic diet. The American Cancer Society contradicted itself in its own statement. (12:00) Michelle and her wife saw over 32 medical professionals about the cancer diagnosis, and only one made a suggestion about nutrition, and it was incorrect advice. (15:30) She shares why a ketogenic diet is bene