Faith Angle

Leading Insights from the 2024 Michael Cromartie Forum



Building on the legacy of Michael Cromartie (1950-2017), who founded Faith Angle Forum a quarter-century ago, MCF brings together a select group of exceptionally talented, early-career journalists for a three-day conference in the nation’s capital, focusing on the intersection of faith, culture, and journalism today. This year’s forum explored new narratives in American history, reconsidered the relationship between spirituality and vocational journalism, and examined the interplay between race, religion, and identity in diverse democracies.   Additional Resources: Michael Cromartie Forum 2024 Journalism, Religion, and Vocation with Will Saletan and Eugene Scott Religion and Journalism: An Integrating Workshop with Miranda Kennedy and Molly Ball The Spirit of Our Politics with Michael Wear and Jon Ward  The Nation That Never Was: Reconstructing America's Story with Kermit Roosevelt and Pete Wehner  Understanding Race, Religion, and Identity for Diverse Democracies with Simran Jeet Singh