Coaching For Leaders

685: How to Start a Top Job, with Ty Wiggins



Ty Wiggins: The New CEO Ty Wiggins is a leadership expert who is passionate about setting up new CEOs for success. As the global lead of Russell Reynolds Associates’ CEO & Executive Transition Practice, he helps world-leading CEOs successfully transition into their roles, guiding them through their first 12-18 months as their trusted advisor. He is the author of The New CEO: Lessons from CEOs on How to Start Well and Perform Quickly (Minus the Common Mistakes)*. Taking on a top job is unique in many ways. In this conversation, Ty and I explore what new, top leaders can do to get out of the bubble and hear more truth. Plus, we discuss why the first 90 or 100 days might not be the best metric for top leaders, and how to better start with easy wins and early moves. Key Points You’ll see more in the top job, but hear less. This is even more pronounced for those promoted internally. Getting out of the bubble means spending more time with middle managers and front-line employees. Second and third time CEOs do