Retro Hangover

Jester: There's a Fool in the Dungeon! (Thought You Ought to Know)



We got a special one this week, folks! Our friends over at Mega Cat Studios (go listen to episode 108 where we interview Andy from MCS!) were gracious (foolhardy?) enough to send us a pre-release demo of their latest effort in collaboration with CollectorVision Games: Jester for the NES and SNES! Jester is a game inspired by the long-lost 'Le fou du Roi' (King's JESTER), which was available exclusively on the defunct Videoway cable service system in the late 80s and 90s in Canada and parts of the United Kingdom.----------Music AttributionsIntro / outro excerpts from Stream by 505, used under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.---------- Mentioned in this episode:Get You Some Tasty Caffeine!As a rule, we don't promote anything on the show that we can't personally vouch for. Bones Coffee has become a staple in both our households; in fact, it's the only coffee Shane drinks at home. With so many flavor-infused options, all with no added sugars or calories, there's bound to be something to pique you