Circe Institute Podcast Network

Advent Episode: T.S. Eliot's THE JOURNEY OF THE MAGI with Christine Perrin and Matt Bianco



Welcome to Quiddity, the original podcast from the CiRCE Institute, featuring interviews and ideas that are important to Christian classical education. In this advent-themed episode, Christine Perrin and Matt Bianco join David to discuss T.S. Eliot's poem, The Journey of the Magi. As promised here is the ancient church hymn Christine reads during the show: here is the painting she refers to:****This podcast is brought to you by Noet Scholarly Tools. Noet offers a suite of tools and texts for scholarly work in the classics. It serves disciplines that involve original-language research and text comparison—classical studies, philosophy, intellectual history, and more. Noet Research Libraries give professors, students, and scholars advanced academic resources: original-language tools, fast searches, an