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Facing religious discrimination at work? These are your options - 【解读澳洲】在工作中面临宗教歧视时该怎么办?



Australia is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which provides extensive protections to religious freedom. However, specific legislated protections vary across jurisdictions. If you have experienced religious discrimination at work, it is important to know your options, whether you are considering submitting a complaint or pursuing the matter in court. - 在澳大利亚,针对基于宗教的工作场所歧视的立法因司法管辖区而异。 在某些情况下,限制工人信奉宗教的自由也可能是合法的。 无论是考虑向相关部门投诉还是通过法律途径解决,如果您在工作中遭遇宗教歧视,了解自己的选择非常重要。