Radio Free Sarawak

20 June 2024



On Today Show — Dr John Anthony Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst – The Real Cost of Resource Extraction: A Call for Fair Revenue Sharing in Sarawak — Nicholas Mujah, Secretary General of SADIA – Empowering Communities: The Significance of Celebrating Indigenous Rights Di Rancangan Hari Ini — Dr John Anthony Brian, Penganalisis Politik Sarawak – Kos Sebenar Ekstraksi Sumber: Seruan untuk Perkongsian Hasil yang Adil di Sarawak — Nicholas Mujah, Setiausaha Agung SADIA – Memperkasakan Komuniti: Kepentingan Merayakan Hak-hak Orang Asal -------------------- Dr John Anthony Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst *The Real Cost of Resource Extraction: A Call for Fair Revenue Sharing in Sarawak* Sarawak Deputy Premier Awang Tengah Ali Hassan announced that the gold, rare earth, and bauxite reserves in Sarawak's underground are worth RM1.25 trillion. Therefore, mining expertise and technology from Canada are needed. Almost every month, the GPS government announces good news about the expected increase in revenue for Sa