Radio Free Sarawak

19 June 2024



On Today Show — Nicholas Mujah, Secretary General of SADIA – Sarawak's Resource Riches: The Disconnect Between Government Promises and Reality — Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist – Uncovering the True Hardcore Poor in Sabah — Robert Muyang, Social activist from Bintulu – Democracy in Community Leadership: Ensuring Transparency and Fairness Topik Pada Hari Ini — Nicholas Mujah, Setiausaha Agung SADIA – Kekayaan Sumber Sarawak: Perbezaan Antara Janji Kerajaan dan Realiti — Barnie Lasimbang, Pengasas Tonibung, aktivis alam sekitar – Mengenal Pasti Golongan Miskin Sebenar di Sabah — Robert Muyang, Aktivis sosial dari Bintulu – Demokrasi dalam Kepimpinan Komuniti: Memastikan Kejelasan dan Keadilan ------------------------------------- Nicholas Mujah, Secretary General of SADIA *Sarawak's Resource Riches: The Disconnect Between Government Promises and Reality* Sarawak plans to bring in the latest mining technology from Canada to extract valuable metal resources from beneath Saraw