Radio Free Sarawak




On Today Show — Dennis Along, Tering community from Mulu – The Cost of Development: Logging and Hydro Dams in Sarawak Under Fire — Jacklyn Simo, youth activist from Kamppung Nyegol Bengoh – Bengoh Dam Impact: Villagers Turn to Eco-Tourism for Sustainable Livelihoods — George Laeng from Uma Akeh – Solar Projects Fail to Deliver Lasting Solutions for Baram's Remote Villages Topik Pada Hari Ini — Dennis Along, komuniti Tering dari Mulu – Kos Pembangunan: Pembalakan dan Empangan Hidro di Sarawak Dikritik — Jacklyn Simo, aktivis belia dari Kampung Nyegol Bengoh – Kesan Empangan Bengoh: Penduduk Beralih ke Eko-Pelancongan untuk Kelestarian Kehidupan — George Laeng dari Uma Akeh – Projek Solar Gagal Memberikan Penyelesaian Berpanjangan untuk Kampung Terpencil di Baram -------------------- Dennis Along, Tering community from Mulu *The Cost of Development: Logging and Hydro Dams in Sarawak Under Fire* Premier Sarawak Johari Openg, last Wednesday, during his speech at the inauguration of the United States-Malay