Rich Zeoli

The Left’s Pathetic Attempt to Delegitimize Justice Sam Alito



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 4: 6:05pm- The New York Times has targeted Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for flying an American flag upside down in response to a confrontation with a neighbor displaying a political message with an expletive. It was flown by Alito’s wife—a sign of distress following the conflict. Additionally, Alito has been criticized by the left for having flown an “Appeal to Heaven” flag from his shore house in New Jersey—with the left arguing it’s an insurrectionist symbol. However, the flag is associated with George Washington and John Locke and remains the official maritime flag of Massachusetts. 6:30pm- While appearing on The View, First Lady DOCTOR Jill Biden said that if Donald Trump were to appoint one more Justice to the Supreme Court, Americans would “lose all our rights!” 6:45pm- Christopher Cadelago, Sally Goldenberg, and Elena Schneider write that Democrats are in a full-blown freakout over the 2024 election cycle—specifically Joe Biden’s potential performance at the top of the t