English With Kirsty

Episode 249: EwK249 - Julia Michelle on brand voice



Carrying on with our voice theme, this week, Julia Michelle is here to talk with us about another aspect of voice, one which is particularly relevant to those of us who are business owners or freelancers: our brand voice.Julia was the speaker at a networking event that I attended recently and I wanted to introduce you to her as well.This is how Julia introduces herself:“I’m a registered nurse, copywriter, and brand voice specialist.Having a background as a nurse, it was a big shift for me to run my own business, and one of the hardest parts was figuring out what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it!When it came to building a personal brand, I found that so much of the advice out there was contradictory and confusing, and it just left me feeling like I had to give up who I wanted to be in order to follow “best practices”.That is… until I worked with Justin Blackman, one of the top brand voice experts in the world, and learned about how to measure and document brand voice.Now I work with entrepreneurs – a