Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Mini Energy Update for the Week of June 16 - 23 | Ep 405



Let’s do the Weekly Energy Update for June 16-23: This period heralds a gentle energy, fostering harmony, grace, and tranquility in your heart and mind. It’s the perfect time to surround yourself with inspiring individuals, approach situations with generosity and gratitude, and embrace the clarity from recent reflections. Actions that feel right should flow effortlessly and be well-supported, making it easier to manifest your desires. Trust your instincts and gravitate towards what creatively inspires you. Enjoy this beautiful energy. June 20 The Solstice graces us on Thursday, June 20. Think of this moment as a powerful gateway to elevate your vibration and expand your life, whatever that may personally mean to you. As the solstice marks a significant transition from one season to the next, take time to reflect on what needs to change in your life. Engage in a ritual of release by jotting down past encounters or symbolically representing experiences from the last six months. Consider doing an energy hea