The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast

TPM Episode 387: Bobby Brown, Pro Skier, Olympian



Bobby Brown was a dominant force at contests starting in 2010, and by 2017, it looked like he was on his way to his second Olympic Games, until that dream was taken away by injury. Knowing that traditional contests weren’t in his future, Bobby pivoted and took his tricks to the backcountry.  Now, his pro ski life is totally different than when we talked in 2017, and this time around, we discuss his latest project, sponsor changes, breaking his back, Dynamic Medium, and a whole lot more. Peter Olenick asks a couple Inappropriate Questions Bobby Brown Show Notes:  4:00: Once in a lifetime experiences, best ski year of his life, White Gold, and quick success 12:00: Going back to normal, firsts, triple cork 14, friend energy, and Olympic run ending injury 20:00:   Liquid Force: Since 95, Liquid Force has outperformed the competition and turned a sport into a lifestyle. Use the code POWELL15 for 15% off LF orders at Stanley:  Save 30% off at Using the code SNOW30 at checkout