Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Hormesis and the beneficial role of stress with Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Paul Taylor



This week’s podcast episode is a fascinating conversation around the human genome evolution, and how stress plays a key role in our ability to adapt to modern day stressors. Exercise physiologist, nutritionist and neuroscientist Paul Taylor talks with fx Medicine ambassador Dr Michelle Woolhouse on the role of hormesis, and the intricate balance between stress and our ability as humans to adapt to and overcome modern day health challenges. Paul shares some thought-provoking ideas around evolution, hormesis, and today’s modern lifestyles. This podcast is beneficial for all interested in the evolution of the human genome, and the importance of nutrition and exercise in combatting chronic disease and withholding age-related disease, supporting the whole person, and promoting homeostasis to combat burnout. Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/podcast/hormesis-and-beneficial-role-stress-dr-michelle-woolhouse-and-paul-taylor Sign up for our monthly newsletter for the l