Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Replay: Biohacking: Water and The Whirl of Wellness with Dr Michelle Woolhouse and Professor Marc Cohen



Professor Marc Cohen, medical doctor, professor and biohacking expert and fx Medicine ambassador Michelle Woolhouse explore the benefits of water as a therapeutic tool. Our body’s cellular composition is two-thirds water which makes us highly responsive to water in its various temperatures, composition and states. Together they explore the benefits of Balneotherapy, the impacts of chlorinated water on the skin microbiome, and methods to expose yourself to heat and cold to induce hormesis, activate the immune system, and even burn fat. Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/podcast/replay-biohacking-water-and-whirl-wellness-dr-michelle-woolhouse-and-professor-marc-cohen Sign up for our monthly newsletter for the latest exclusive clinical tools, articles, and infographics: https://pages.blackmores.com.au/FXM-signup.html ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on fx Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it int